The Heimdall project is not complete! We are always interested in ways to improve and expand the framework, and some of the features below will be marked as to-do priority.
There are no current open highlighted issues.
file support in third party editorsContents of the Hermes Project, a subset of Heimdall ↩
Basic globals/builtins, basic data types ↩
Functions, strings, other objects ↩
Include statements and file management ↩
Interface for running and receiving results from HECL lang ↩
Struct, namespace declaration, entity and component objects ↩
Ensuring Hera is compatible and seamless with popular UI libraries ↩
Tools to convert existing projects to Heimdall ↩
Asset management, loading and unloading assets, etc. ↩
Datastore, Live Cloud Features, Cloud Integration API features and quality of life ↩
GitHub synchronization, Roblox Team Create support ↩
Re-build a project while it is running a simulation ↩
Output files and debug information about a running project ↩